Q100021: Personalising Mari's configuration with extended environment variables



Mari saves all user-edited, non-project-specific parameters, settings, and preferences in a config file, so that they persist across Mari sessions. This configuration can also be overridden through environment variables so that, for example, all artists in one studio have specific Preferences set in the same way, even across different versions of Mari.

This article describes how to identify a specific configuration and turn it into an environment variable so that it's automatically applied to the config file every time Mari is launched.

NOTE: Mari's config file is called Mari7.0v2.conf on Linux and Mari7.0v2.ini on Windows, and their default location can be found through the following article: Q100020: Mari's Log and Config files and their default file paths




As an example, imagine you'd like to disable the Auto Insert Node behaviour, which allows for a node to be inserted mid-stream by hovering it over a pipe:

  1. Firstly, you have to add this setting to the config file and identify how it's described there. As settings only get added to the config file when they get edited, you have to edit it manually by selecting Edit > Preferences > Node Graph > General > Auto Insert Node.

  2. Once edited, the setting is in the config file as follows:


  3. To turn it into an environment variable, translate the above into the following format:

       group is the group name, all in uppercase, with any %20 replaced by _
       key is the key of settings, all in uppercase, with any %20 replaced by _

    As such, it would become the following:

  4. To then apply this environment variable in your operating system, please refer to the following article:
    Q100015: How To Set Environment Variables




For information on deleting environment variables, please refer to the following articles:

Q100127: How to delete and unset environment variables




If you are experiencing difficulties please create a support ticket and provide us with the information requested in this article:
Q100090: Information to send Support when reporting a Mari issue

For more information on how to open a Support ticket, please refer to this article:
Q100064: How to raise a support ticket

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