Q100396: Camera Tracker for After Effects is no longer supported



This article explains how the Camera Tracker for After Effects plug-in is no longer supported.



In February 2017 we announced that, as of 31st March 2017, we will be discontinuing Camera Tracker for After Effects. After this date sales, development and support of the plug-ins ended and there will be no further updates, bug fixes or compatibility releases.

As more than a year has passed since the announcement, Camera Tracker for After Effects is now completely unsupported.

The last release of CameraTracker for After Effects was for version After Effects CC 2017.  We cannot guarantee if the plug-in will work with any newer After Effects releases and won't be able to help if a user tries this and encounters any problems.



If you purchased Camera Tracker for After Effects in the past and are running into problems using the plug-in, then please consult the following:

    We're sorry to hear that

    Please tell us why