This article will explain how to disable the thumbnails in Nuke from being displayed, or to set them to static, to help improve performance.
On occasion when Nuke scripts become quite large, it can sometimes be beneficial to either set the postage stamp on nodes to be static, or to disable the thumbnails in order to improve performance.
Setting nodes to have static postage stamps is possible by setting it in Preferences:
1. Open Nuke
2. Open Edit > Preferences...
3. Navigate to the Node Graph tab
4. Set postage stamp mode to Static Frame
5. Press OK to save the changes.
Disabling thumbnails can be done on a per node basis, by opening the node's properties, selecting the node tab and unchecking 'postage stamp'. You can disable postage stamps on all Read nodes by running the following code in the Script Editor:
for nodes in nuke.allNodes(recurseGroups=True):
if nodes.Class() == "Read":
If you would like to disable the thumbnails on Read nodes by default, then you will need to modify your file. To do this please do the following:
1. Navigate to your ~/.nuke directory
2. Open your file in a text editor. If you do not have an already, you will need to create one.
3. Paste the following code into your and save the file:
nuke.knobDefault("Read.postage_stamp", "False")
More information about setting default values for knobs can be found in the Setting Default Values for Controls section of Nuke's online documentation.
Alternatively, you can select any nodes with an active postage stamp and use the hotkey ALT+P to enable/disable the static image.
If you are struggling to open a Nuke script due to all the postage stamps loading, then you can launch Nuke with the -n flag, which will prevent any postage stamps from loading, but without changing your Nuke script. More information about using this command flag can be found in the Using command line Flags section of Nuke's online documentation.
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