Q100064: How to raise a support ticket



This article explains how to use the Support Portal to create a new ticket to ask us questions about using our software, notify us of issues you're experiencing, or check existing tickets. 



The Support Portal

The Support Portal includes the following tools:

  • Knowledge Base provides useful product information, such as how to troubleshoot common issues or improve performance.
  • Bug Tracker lists known product issues, their current status, and existing workarounds. 
  • My Support allows you to raise a support ticket, log a bug or check the status of previously logged support tickets.

By default, the Bug Tracker and My Support areas require you to be logged in before accessing them. Your login username and password will be the same as those used to log into the Foundry website.

NOTE: If you're accessing our products through your workplace and you'd like to raise a support ticket, we recommend that you log in with your corporate email address, so that we can confirm your maintenance agreement without delays.


What is a Support ticket?

Support tickets are requests created by customers (through the Support Portal form) to report an issue with a product, request a new feature, or ask a question to Support.

Support investigates the received ticket and, based on the results, replies back to the customer via the same ticket thread. If the issue reported is confirmed as a product bug or as a product feature enhancement, then Support logs a bug/feature report with the product's engineering team. Once this is done, the support ticket is closed but the bug/feature report remains open until it is addressed by the engineering team.

Bug reports can be tracked on the Bug Tracker page.
No public tracking is available at this time for feature enhancements.


Raising a Support ticket

To raise a ticket, go to the Support Portal, click on My Support on the top menu bar, and select Submit A Request


Please make sure you're logged into the Support Portal, otherwise some options won't be accessible: 


Choose the relevant request type from the list of forms displayed under Select the reason for contacting Support:

I want to report a product bug
- Completing this form provides us with the information we need to try to reproduce the bug you've encountered. If we successfully reproduce it, we will log a bug report and get back to you with the tracking bug ID, which will also be available in the public Bug Tracker. Otherwise, we may get back to you with further questions in order to be able to continue our investigation and hopefully reproduce the issue.

I need product support (maintenance customers)
- Please keep in mind that general product assistance depends on your maintenance agreement status. As such, please ensure you are logged in with your corporate email address so that we can confirm your maintenance agreement without delays and assist you as soon as possible.

I want to request a new product feature
- Use this if you'd like to send us product related suggestions or new features that you'd like to see implemented in future versions of our products. We will log your feature request with the relevant engineering team who will review and prioritise the enhancement. We will also get back to you with the ID the request has been logged under for future reference into our product release notes.

I have a license / account issue
- If you're experiencing a licensing problem, please use this form so that we can assign your ticket to our licensing support team and assist you as soon as possible. 

Support Portal Article Feedback 
- If there is a Knowledge Base article you'd like to provide feedback on, or if you'd like to suggest a new article, please use this form.


NOTE: The Suggested Articles UI when submitting a support ticket using one of the above forms, presents users with a list of knowledge base articles and known product bugs, and encourages self-help prior to submitting a support ticket.  

Checking the status of existing support tickets

To see your existing support tickets, click on My Support in the menu bar and then click on My Requests. You will have access to all the support tickets you have raised and will be able to check their current status and conversation details.  

You can also view tickets where you have been CC’d on by a colleague, under Requests I'm CC'd on.

The ticket list includes a BUG/FEATURE ID column containing the IDs of all associated bug and feature enhancements logged in relation to each support ticket. Any bug IDs that have an associated bug article in the Bug Tracker will provide a direct link to the bug article, as well as a preview of the bug's description upon hovering.


NOTE: Customers can also download a report of all of their existing support tickets. Download buttons are available in My Requests and Requests I'm CC'd on in the top right corner, with options for XLS, CSV, XML, and PDF.

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