Q100049: How to avoid using Collective license before non-Collective



Sometimes, when the RLM floating license server is serving a mix of collective and non-collective licenses, a client-side machine can be denied a license with a message that all licenses are already in use, and the count in use doesn't seem to match what the user thinks s/he should have available.



When a client-side machine is allocated a license from a Collective, all of the product licenses in that Collective are allocated to that user, even though the machine may be running a different product - not using the product that seems to be short in the count.

1 Production Collective license gives you the ability to run Nuke Studio, Mari, and Modo on 1 machine.

A machine using a Production Collective license may run any or all of the products in the Collective simultaneously, and any number of instances of each - limited only by the resources of the machine.

The purpose of having x number of Production Collective licenses is to provide Nuke Studio, Mari, and Modo to x number of machines, so they can be productive with whichever product suits the moment. Therefore, if you have 4 Production Collective licenses, then you can run Nuke Studio, Mari, and Modo on 4 machines.



The license manager allocates licenses in the order in which they are found in the license file. The Production Collective license should probably be made the last one in your server's license file. That way, if one of the other non-Collective licenses is available and can meet the client's need, then it will be allocated ahead of the Collective.


Please note that Nuke requires a nuke_i license, NukeX requires a nukex_i license in addition to the Nuke license and Nuke Studio will require the nukestudio_i license in addition to the previous two licenses, as such if one of these licenses are missing and your Nuke license is above the Collective then the extra required licenses will be taken from the Collective itself, to avoid this you can move the Nuke license after the Collective license in your license file.

You can edit the license file, just use plain text and save it with the same filename. An FLU Diagnostic will show you where it is and what it looks like.

Stop and Start the RLM Server using the FLU to read the updated file.

You also have the option to reserve licenses to specific users/groups with the help of this guide: Q100107: How to reserve licenses for different users or machines

    We're sorry to hear that

    Please tell us why